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Pitstock Chat Rules

News Posts - No news is to be posted without a URL for verification except by a channel operator.

Trade Posts - Action posts using /me, must be in the format of Buy, Symbol (/me buys MSFT @ 30) or (/me sells MSFT @ 30). We do not care to have share size posted, this is irrelevant for our purposes. If your post is late, do not post it, this serves no purpose as well.

IRC Channel Events - No channel pinging, channel sounds, or ctcp events are tolerated in the channel. They are considered a disruption.

Offensive Nicks - No Offensive Nicks will be tolerated.

Colors - The text you send must be black only. Colors are reserved for special events, or special ops.

Language - English is the language of the channel, other languages are not permisable.

Private Messaging - Unauthorized private messaging to others without permission is not acceptable and is rude. If you receive a private message, please notify one of the channel ops. If you are sending unauthorized messages, you are in violation of Othernet's AUP policy and you will be dealt with accordingly.

Off-Topic Discussions - No off topic discussion will be allowed during market hours. The channel operators will decide what is considered off-topic and you will be muted for an infraction of that. Continued abuse of this will result in a timed ban from the channel. The time will be decided on by the channel operators.

Bot Abuse - The bots are in the channel to aid us in trading and reference. Anyone abusing the bot by continuously asking for information will be muted or banned.

Hyping - No hyping or pumping of any kind will be tolerated. If your agenda is to get others to buy or sell based on your trades, you will be dealt with harshly.

Personal Attacks - No Personal Attacks of any kind will be tolerated. This means that if you have a bad opinion of someone in the channel or in another channel, you will keep that opinion to yourself.

Other Channels - #pitstock will not allow discussion of any other channel at any time. If you care to discuss another channel with someone, please private message that person. This is extremely rude and will be dealt with harshly.

Repeat Posts - reapeating of messages is to be avoided. This can be construed as pumping. Along the same lines, no posts with multiple exclamation marks or other characters to draw attention to yourself. One character is enough.

Capital Letters - please use small case when outputting text. Capital letters is like yelling and is found to be offensive by most.

Pitstock is a professional trading channel dedicated to a business type atmosphere. As such, discussions must be kept on a professional level.

Copying of Information - If you are found to be copying information from our channel to another without permission, you will be banned. Our channel is free and is open to all, and as such, anyone can join. There is no need to copy to another channel.

Quit Messages - No offensive, suggestive, or hyping quit messages. Anyone in violation may find themselves unable to join the channel next time they try.

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