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Gap Scanner

  • Pre Market Gaps - Use this scan early in the morning. Recommeded use is between 1 hour before market opens and 30 minutes after market opens. Find the gaps before they hit the charts.
  • After Market Gaps - Use this after the bell to scan for stocks that might be on tomorrows gaps list. This scan finds stocks that are trading at a point that if they opened at the current price tomorrow, they would be gaps at the open
  • Gaps today - Use this 20 minutes after the open bell to find confirmed daily chart gaps.
  • Save Your Gap List - Right Click on the show chart list and click "save list". This will place all the gaps into a sector list for later viewing. *Note this will also erase any gaps list you previously saved.
  • Gap Result List - Click the list that says Gap down or Gap up to view a chart of the stock found in the scan.
  • Sector List - This is the list of stocks that will be scanned. *Note: in order to scan a list you must first UPDATE the list by checking the update box on the main chart window.
  • Copy and Paste Boxes - These are placed there so you can copy and paste the gaps to chatrooms or where ever you like.

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